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Study English with tutor Celina in Maria Lanzendorf

September 29, 2020
Views: 2017
Ad ID: 14359
Sprache wählen:
  • Deutsch
Contact Information
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Nationalität: Österreichisch
Mein persönliches Profil – Über mich:

Improve your English with a language teacher

Hey guys!
If you seek  to learn or improve your German, I am here to help you as an English tutor in Maria Lanzendorf! I'm Celina, a 20 year old Native Austrian with some experience as a German /English tutor (both private and as a member of "Lernquadrat"). At the moment I'm studying "Transcultural Communication English" at the Universitiy of Vienna.

About me–English teacher in Maria Lanzendorf

I'm a person with many fields of interest, a huge like for complex problem solving and always up for an intellectual challenge. Other than that, I would describe myself as empathatic, humorous and patient. Probably a plus for teaching ;). My key interest also lies in different teaching styles. In my opinion, the way in which one is taught, can have several different outcomes. In the best case scenario, it leads to the success of each individual, which renders the whole education system successful. If I talk about success on a larger scale, I mean raising well informed, independent thinkers, who are  always eager to improve, not afraid to fail and never stop viewing the world with a critical eye.

New teaching methods with Celina

To find a form of teaching that is able to nurture and support people in the area needed, is essential for a wellrounded education and the shape of our future!
In my tutoring style I try to follow these principles and have a positive impact on my students. Whoever takes courses with me can look forward to unconventional lessons, where we not only abide by strict rules but are allowed to explore controversial and exciting topics too!