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Practice your Spanish with an experienced teacher in Vienna

September 16, 2020
Views: 1792
Ad ID: 14250
Sprache wählen:
  • Spanisch
Contact Information
Geschlecht: Männlich
Nationalität: Italienisch
Gratis Probestunde (Dauer der Probestunde 45 Min.): Ja
Mein persönliches Profil – Über mich:

Spanish lessons from a teacher with experience

I have been a Spanish teacher for more than ten years, so come join my lessons in Vienna! I have been teaching Spanish and English among other subjects. I'm always willing to help students of all ages and levels.

Spanish private tuition in Vienna

If you want to boost your grammar (reading and writing), speaking or listening skills, I am here for you! I am a very patient teacher, full of strategies to practice your Spanish or start from nothing! Do not hesitate to contact me, I will help you with all the doubts you have.